Hackers Wikia
Hackers Wikia

  Български - Миксер за Бикойни  简体中文 - 比特币钱包  正體中文 - 比特幣錢包  Čeština - B-coin Mixér  English - B-coin Mixer  Français - Mélangeur de B-coin  Deutsch - B-coin Mixer(Deutsche)  Bahasa Indonesia - Mixer B-coin(Bahasa Indonesia)  Italiano - Mixer B-coin  日本語 - Bコインミキサー  Bahasa Malayu - Pembancuh B-Coin  Polski - Mikser B-Coin  Português - Misturador de B-Coin  Română - Mixer de B-coins  Русский - Биткоин Миксер  Español - Almacén de B-coins  Türk - Bitcoin Mikseri  Tiếng Việt - Kho Dự Trữ B-coin

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"Your B-coins are stored and cleaned here before you use them. Mixing B-coins together makes them
(nearly) untraceable. Upgrade your Mixer to increase your B-coin capacity."

The B-coin Mixer is a Business Node that stores B-Coins transferred from a B-Coin Mine or stolen from a hack. The total amount of B-Coins that a B-Coin Mine can store is equal to the Capacity statistic. The maximum amount of B-coins that can be stored on your network is equal to the combined capacity of all your B-coin Mixer and Core nodes, and is shown in the Network Capacity statistic.

When the B-coin Mixer has reached its capacity, any excess B-Coins that were transferred from a B-Coin Mine will be returned, while any excess B-Coins from a hack will be discarded.

The maximum level a B-coin Mixer can be upgraded to is 21[1]. The maximum number of B-coin Mixers you can have on your network is three. When deleting nodes, you will be unable to delete a B-coin Mixer unless you have two or more on your network already.


Defensive Stats
1 200
2 225
3 255
4 285
5 315
6 350
7 400
8 450
9 500
10 550
11 620
12 700
13 780
14 880
15 1,000
16 1,100
17 1,230
18 1,375
19 1,540
20 1,720
21 1,930
Storage Stats
1 B64
2 B128
3 B256
4 B512
5 B1,024
6 B2,048
7 B4,096
8 B8,000
9 B16,000
10 B24,000
11 B30,000
12 B40,000
13 B50,000
14 B60,000
15 B75,000
16 B100,000
17 B120,000
18 B150,000
19 B180,000
20 B210,000
21 B250,000
Exfiltration Stats
(per second)
Time from
full (seconds)
(per second)
1 B1 19.2 Seconds 5.21%
2 B2 19.2 Seconds 5.21%
3 B3 25.6 Seconds 3.91%
4 B5 30.7 Seconds 3.26%
5 B10 30.7 Seconds 3.26%
6 B18 34.1 Seconds 2.93%
7 B35 35.1 Seconds 2.84%
8 B66 36.4 Seconds 2.75%
9 B125 38.4 Seconds 2.60%
10 B180 40.0 Seconds 2.50%
11 B210 42.9 Seconds 2.33%
12 B265 45.3 Seconds 2.21%
13 B315 47.6 Seconds 2.10%
14 B355 50.7 Seconds 1.97%
15 B420 53.6 Seconds 1.87%
16 B525 57.1 Seconds 1.75%
17 B600 60.0 Seconds 1.66%
18 B700 64.3 Seconds 1.56%
19 B800 67.5 Seconds 1.48%
20 B875 72.0 Seconds 1.39%
21 B985 76.1 Seconds 1.31%
Construction Stats
Core Level
1 $500 50 1 Minute 1
2 $1,000 150 30 Minutes 1
3 $2,000 200 1 Hour 2
4 $4,000 250 2 Hours 3
5 $8,000 300 4 Hours 3
6 $16,000 375 6 Hours 3
7 $30,000 400 8 Hours 4
8 $60,000 425 10 Hours 5
9 $125,000 450 12 Hours 6
10 $250,000 475 18 Hours 7
11 $400,000 500 24 Hours 7
12 $550,000 575 30 Hours 8
13 $700,000 650 36 Hours 8
14 $850,000 725 42 Hours 9
15 $1,000,000 800 48 Hours 9
16 $1,200,000 825 54 Hours 10
17 $1,400,000 850 60 Hours 10
18 $1,600,000 875 66 Hours 10
19 $1,800,000 900 72 Hours 11
20 $2,000,000 930 80 Hours 11
21 $2,200,000 960 88 Hours 11
Totals $14,196,500 11,665 661 Hours
31 Minutes


B-coin Mixer 01 B-coin Mixer 02-03 B-coin Mixer 04-05 B-coin Mixer 06-07 B-coin Mixer 08-09
Level 1 Levels 2-3 Levels 4-5 Levels 6-7 Levels 8-9
B-coin Mixer 10-12 B-coin Mixer 13-15 B-coin Mixer 16-18 B-coin Mixer 19-21
Levels 10-12 Levels 13-15 Levels 16-18 Levels 19-21


Hackers Wikia - Възел
Възел Програми Геймплей
Бизнес Възли

B-coin Mine 19-21Мина за Бикойни  B-coin Mixer 19-21Миксер за Бикойни  Structure ConnectionИнтернет Връзка 
Core 11-12Ядро  Database 19-21База Данни  Server Farm 19-21Сървър Ферма 

Защитни Възли

Black ICE 19-21Черен Лед  Code Gate 19-21Шифровъчна Порта  Guardian 21Пазител 
Scanner 19-21Скенер  Sentry 19-21Стража  Turret 19-21Оръдейна Кула 

Хакерски Възли

Compiler 04Компилатор  Evolver 11-12Лаборатория  Program Library 17-21Програмна библиотека 
