Hackers Wikia

  正體中文 - 智慧烏賊  Čeština - UI Oliheň  English - AI Squid  Français - IA_Calamar


The AI Squid node provides additional stealth detection for a network, periodically scanning nearby nodes within three steps. Increasing the level of this node also reduces the visibility costs of the AI Squid stealth routine.

A.I. Squid Node[]

The AI Squid is a stealth based Artificial Intelligence node. During the Stealth phase of an attack, the Squid node will periodically scan nodes within 3 connections of itself. While a node is being scanned, any Stealth Programs that are installed will have their installation cost increased by a substantial amount.

Once activated, the Squid periodically scans nearby nodes for stealth activity, and will increase the visibility cost of any programs it detects. The increase is based on the sensitivity statistic. The Squid will change to a random target every 3 seconds, but will always select a node that is within 2 connections of the last scanned node.

The maximum level the AI Squid can be upgraded to is 21. The maximum number of AI Squid nodes you can have on your network is one. There are no restrictions on deleting an AI Squid node from the network.

Node Statistics[]

Defensive Stats
1 280 300
2 310 320
3 340 340
4 380 360
5 420 380
6 470 400
7 520 430
8 580 460
9 640 490
10 710 520
11 790 550
12 875 580
13 970 610
14 1,080 640
15 1,200 670
16 1,330 700
17 1,475 740
18 1,635 790
19 1,815 840
20 2,015 890
21 2,230 940
Construction Stats
Core Level
1 $2,000,000 500 24 Hours 9
2 $2,500,000 650 48 Hours 9
3 $3,000,000 800 72 Hours 9
4 $3,500,000 850 96 Hours 9
5 $4,000,000 900 120 Hours 9
6 $4,500,000 950 144 Hours 9
7 $5,000,000 1,000 168 Hours 9
8 $6,000,000 1,125 192 Hours 10
9 $7,000,000 1,250 216 Hours 10
10 $8,000,000 1,375 240 Hours 10
11 $9,000,000 1,500 264 Hours 11
12 $10,000,000 1,750 288 Hours 11
13 $11,000,000 2,000 312 Hours 11
14 $12,000,000 2,500 336 Hours 12
15 $13,000,000 3,000 336 Hours 12
16 $14,000,000 3,500 336 Hours 12
17 $15,000,000 4,000 336 Hours 12
18 $16,000,000 4,500 336 Hours 13
19 $16,000,000 5,000 336 Hours 13
20 $16,000,000 5,500 336 Hours 13
21 $16,000,000 6,000 336 Hours 13
Totals $193,500,000 48,650 4,872 Hours 13

A.I. Squid Program[]

When the AI Squid is in a Ready State, the Squid program will be available for use during the Stealth phase. Once installed, the Squid periodically disables any nearby nodes within 3 connections of itself, prioritising the nodes closest to itself first, but ignoring the Evolver, Compiler and Core, as well as any Program Libraries.

Once used during an attack, the AI Squid will need to be revived. Reviving an AI is similar to compiling programs in that it costs B-coins. A.I.'s have an independent timer seperate from both programs and other A.I. Programs.

Program Statistics[]

Program Stats
1 135 125 B250
2 127 117 B500
3 120 110 B750
4 113 103 B1,000
5 106 96 B1,200
6 99 89 B1,500
7 92 82 B1,750
8 85 75 B2,000
9 78 68 B2,250
10 72 62 B2,500
11 67 57 B2,750
12 63 53 B3,000
13 59 49 B3,250
14 56 46 B3,500
15 53 43 B3,750
16 50 40 B4,000
17 48 38 B4,250
18 46 36 B4,500
19 44 34 B4,750
20 42 32 B5,000
21 40 30 B5,250


Squid 01 Squid 02-03 Squid 04-05 Squid 06-07 Squid 08-09
Level 1 Levels 2-3 Levels 4-5 Levels 6-7 Levels 8-9
Squid 10-12 Squid 13-15 Squid 16-18 Squid 19-21
Levels 10-12 Levels 13-15 Levels 16-18 Levels 19-21


Offensive Mode:

  • The AI Squid disable ability works in the same way as the Wraith program.
  • For lower Core (min lvl 9) game. Compare to stealth program like Wraith (2 second installation) + Access (1 second installation) just to deactivate Code gate, it didn't cost much Bitcoin and didn't require any disk space. But it will consume more visibility due to long installation time (3 second) and node deactivation time (5 second).
  • It's effective to install AI Squid on node (mostly just in netConnection) that are not in the range of scanner.

Defensive Mode:

  • A.I. Nodes are not able to be upgraded while revival is in progress, but can be upgraded prior to revival. However, the node will have to be revived at the increased cost once the upgrade is completed.
  • The AI Squid Program will be placed in the Ready state when initially purchasing the node.
  • If the AI Squid Node detects a program being installed, it will remain scanning the node until the installation is complete.
  • When detecting a program that is also within range of a Scanner, both the Squid and Scanner will affect the visibility of the program.
  • AI Squid take around 3 second to detect for each node. That means when attacker install these programs it would detect: 2 nodes for Portal, 2/3 node for wraith, and 1/3 node for Access.
Hackers Wikia - Nodes List
Nodes Programs Gameplay
Business Nodes

B-coin Mine 19-21B-coin Mine  B-coin Mixer 19-21B-coin Mixer  Structure ConnectionnetConnection  Core 11-12Core  Database 19-21Database  Server Farm 19-21Server Farm 

Security Nodes

Black ICE 19-21Black ICE  Code Gate 19-21Code Gate  Guardian 21Guardian  Scanner 19-21Scanner  Sentry 19-21Sentry  Turret 19-21Turret 

Hacking Nodes

Compiler 04Compiler  Evolver 11-12Evolver  Program Library 17-21Program Library 

A.I. Nodes

Beetle ImageServing A.I. Beetle  Hawk ImageServing A.I. Hawk  Squid ImageServing A.I. Squid 
