Hackers Wikia

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"Black ICE is a strong local security unit. The control of any hostile node can be taken over very fast.
Upgrade it to increase its strength and firewall."

Black ICE is an offensive Security Node. During the Brute Force phase of an attack, it charges up when a node connected to it is captured, then fires a blast similar to that of the Blaster program dealing a large amount of damage to the captured node.

Black ICE nodes will target captured nodes connected to it and will attack one node at a time. However, if Black ICE is connected to multiple captured nodes and its original target becomes secured by the network, it will switch to another compromised node according to Attack Priorities without losing charge time. Charge time is reset once all nodes connected to a Black ICE are secure.

The maximum level a Black ICE can be upgraded to is 21[1]. The maximum number of Black ICEs you can have on your network is four. Unlike Business Nodes, there are no restrictions on deleting Black ICE nodes from the network.


Defensive Stats
(per hit)
1 350 22 77
2 390 25 87.5
3 430 28 98
4 480 32 112
5 530 36 126
6 590 41 143.5
7 650 46 161
8 725 52 182
9 805 59 206.5
10 895 66 231
11 990 75 262.5
12 1,100 84 294
13 1,225 95 332.5
14 1,360 108 378
15 1,510 122 427
16 1,675 138 483
17 1,860 155 542.5
18 2,065 176 616
19 2,290 200 700
20 2,545 225 787.5
21 2,820 254 889
Construction Stats
Core Level
1 $8,000 375 6 Hours 3
2 $65,000 450 12 Hours 4
3 $125,000 475 18 Hours 4
4 $250,000 500 24 Hours 5
5 $500,000 650 36 Hours 6
6 $750,000 800 48 Hours 7
7 $1,000,000 850 60 Hours 7
8 $1,500,000 900 72 Hours 7
9 $2,000,000 950 92 Hours 7
10 $3,000,000 1,000 96 Hours 8
11 $4,000,000 1,125 108 Hours 9
12 $5,000,000 1,250 120 Hours 9
13 $6,000,000 1,375 132 Hours 10
14 $7,000,000 1,500 144 Hours 10
15 $8,000,000 1,750 168 Hours 10
16 $9,000,000 2,000 192 Hours 11
17 $10,000,000 2,500 216 Hours 11
18 $11,000,000 3,000 240 Hours 11
19 $12,000,000 3,500 264 Hours 12
20 $13,000,000 4,000 288 Hours 12
21 $14,000,000 4,500 312 Hours 12
Totals $108,198,000 33,450 2,648 Hours 12


Black ICE 01 Black ICE 02-03 Black ICE 04-05
Level 1 Levels 2-3 Levels 4-5
Black ICE 06-07 Black ICE 08-09 Black ICE 10-12
Levels 6-7 Levels 8-9 Levels 10-12
Black ICE 13-15 Black ICE 16-18 Black ICE 19-21
Levels 13-15 Levels 16-18 Levels 19-21


  • Strength above and ingame is listed as damage per second.
  • Black ICE takes 3.5 seconds to charge each attack and projectiles take 3 seconds to reach the target. This means a node defended solely by Black ICE(s) with no antivirus installed can safely install a Protector without any supporting programs, such as Shocker or ICE Wall.
  • Black ICE starts in a secured state. (Black Node, but no antivirus installed). A Sentry connected to Black ICE will install an antivirus after 0.5 seconds, similar to a Turret.
  • When defending, position Black ICE in a way that the attacker cannot effectively use the 5 program slots it permits on capture.
  • A Black ICE with an antivirus installed will attack with both its blaster-like and antivirus attack, significantly increasing damage output.
  • Black ICE works well when attacking a captured node that has an ICE Wall or a Protector installed.
  • Black ICE has a high amount of firewall and a higher attack priority compared to a Turret of the same level, allowing it to soak up damage while both a Black ICE and Turret recapture a node. It is also good in combination with Guardian node, as the increased protection allows it more time to deal damage to defensive programs like ICE Wall or Protector.
  • At lower levels this node is not very effective; it is recommended that one upgrades it in order for it to be useful.


ICE stands for Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics. This term was first introduced by science-fiction writer William Gibson to refer to a piece of computer software that protect systems from external attacks.

A program called BlackICE PC Protection has existed; however IBM discontinued it in 2007.


Hackers Wikia - Nodes List
Nodes Programs Gameplay
Business Nodes

B-coin Mine 19-21B-coin Mine  B-coin Mixer 19-21B-coin Mixer  Structure ConnectionnetConnection  Core 11-12Core  Database 19-21Database  Server Farm 19-21Server Farm 

Security Nodes

Black ICE 19-21Black ICE  Code Gate 19-21Code Gate  Guardian 21Guardian  Scanner 19-21Scanner  Sentry 19-21Sentry  Turret 19-21Turret 

Hacking Nodes

Compiler 04Compiler  Evolver 11-12Evolver  Program Library 17-21Program Library 

A.I. Nodes

Beetle ImageServing A.I. Beetle  Hawk ImageServing A.I. Hawk  Squid ImageServing A.I. Squid 
