Hackers Wikia
Hackers Wikia

  Български - Бластер(Български)  简体中文 - 爆破  正體中文 - 衝擊波  Čeština - Fúzní dělo  English - Blaster  Français - Impulseur électrique  Deutsch - Blaster(Deutsch)  Bahasa Indonesia - Blaster(Bahasa Indonesia)  Italiano - Blaster(Italiano)  日本語 - ブラスター  Bahasa Malayu - Meriam  Polski - Blaster(Polskie)  Português - Explosão  Română - Blaster(Română)  Русский - Бластер  Español - Blaster(Español)  Türk - Patlatıcı  Tiếng Việt - Pháo Điện

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It takes time to install the Blaster, but once installed, it can quickly destroy firewalls.

The Blaster is an Offensive Program which charges up and then attacks a single connected node for moderate damage, and has the added ability of disabling the target once the attack reaches the node. The Blaster will charge for 3.5 seconds and its attack will disable one node for 2 seconds. The Blaster will attack one node at a time based on the Attack Priority.

For the duration of the disable (2 seconds);

  • the Disable ability will stop:
  • the Disable ability will delay (not cancel) the charging progress of:

The Disable ability does not stop:

  • Antivirus from being installed onto a node
  • Code Gate Filters from reducing damage
  • Attacks/Shields that have already launched from:


  • Notes: While the Blaster is technically allowed to upgrade at the Evolver levels displayed, the Capacity of B-coins that can be held at those levels may not be sufficient to purchase the upgrade.
    More Info here: Max amount of B-coins at Core Level.
Statistik Program
(per hit)
1 45 157.5 B20
2 52 182.0 B30
3 59 206.5 B40
4 68 238.0 B50
5 78 273.0 B60
6 89 311.5 B70
7 102 357.0 B80
8 116 406.0 B100
9 133 465.5 B120
10 152 532.0 B140
11 174 609.0 B160
12 200 700.0 B180
13 229 801.5 B200
14 262 917.0 B220
15 300 1,050.0 B250
16 343 1,200.5 B280
17 393 1,375.5 B300
18 450 1,575.0 B350
19 515 1,802.5 B400
20 590 2,065.0 B450
21 675 2,362.5 B500
Statistik Riset
Evolver Level
1 B512 450 12 Jam 3
2 B4,096 475 18 Jam 3
3 B8,000 500 24 Jam 4
4 B16,000 575 30 Jam 4
5 B32,000 650 36 Jam 5
6 B48,000 725 42 Jam 5
7 B60,000 800 48 Jam 6
8 B80,000 825 54 Jam 6
9 B100,000 850 60 Jam 7
10 B140,000 875 66 Jam 7
11 B160,000 900 72 Jam 8
12 B180,000 930 80 Jam 8
13 B200,000 960 88 Jam 9
14 B220,000 1,000 96 Jam 9
15 B260,000 1,080 104 Jam 10
16 B300,000 1,160 112 Jam 10
17 B340,000 1,250 120 Jam 11
18 B380,000 1,375 132 Jam 11
19 B420,000 1,500 144 Jam 12
20 B460,000 1,625 156 Jam 12
21 B500,000 1,750 168 Jam 12
Total B3,908,608 20,255 1,662 Jam 12


  • The Blaster is the first High-Damage Offensive Program new players can unlock. It is capable of destroying a Code Gate relatively quickly when compared to other programs available at lower levels.
  • Blasters stun for 2 seconds, but fire every 3.5 seconds. Two Blasters installed about 2 seconds apart will keep the targeted node permanently stunned.
  • Note that although a Blaster can delay and capture a Guardian or Black ICE node without being recaptured, a single Blaster on a node with more than two connections can be easily recaptured by even the weakest antivirus attack, and should be paired with either an ICE Wall or Protector program to prevent being recaptured.
Hackers Wikia - Programs
Program Node Permainan
Program Penyerangan

Battering ram Pemukul Dinding  Ion cannon Meriam Laser  Blaster Blaster  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maniak  Shock Pengejut  Shuriken Shuriken  Worms Cacing 

Program Pertahanan

Icewall PGE-Dinding  Protector Pelindung 

Program Sembunyi

Access Akses  Dataleach Lintah Data  Portal Portal  Wraith Roh 
