Hackers Wikia
Hackers Wikia

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Ciri utama cacing adalah mereka berkembang biak. Install satu dan Anda akan segera memiliki banyak.

The Worm is a Brute Force Offensive Program which has the special ability to replicate and install itself. The Worm will attack connected nodes one at a time.

It has the following action priorities:

  1. It attacks an adjacent node with the highest Attack Priority.
  2. If all adjacent nodes are captured, it will replicate itself in its residing node, unless the node is full.
  3. If the residing node is full, it installs duplicates of itself in adjacent empty program slots. (Citation needed for order of installation.)

Each duplication takes 0.5 to 3 seconds, depending on level, and the timer is reset when an adjacent node is recaptured by the network.

Worms have a dynamic attack priority, and will change its attack target immediately if an adjacent node with higher Attack Priority is reclaimed by the network.


  • Notes: While the Worms program is technically allowed to upgrade at the Evolver levels displayed, the Capacity of B-coins that can be held at those levels may not be sufficient to purchase the upgrade.
    More Info here: Max amount of B-coins at Core Level.
Statistik Program
(per hit)
1 12 6 3.0 Detik B5
2 14 7 2.9 Detik B10
3 16 8 2.8 Detik B20
4 18 9 2.7 Detik B30
5 20 10 2.5 Detik B40
6 23 11.5 2.4 Detik B50
7 26 13 2.3 Detik B60
8 30 15 2.2 Detik B70
9 34 17 2.0 Detik B80
10 39 19.5 1.9 Detik B90
11 44 22 1.8 Detik B100
12 51 25.5 1.7 Detik B110
13 58 29 1.5 Detik B120
14 66 33 1.4 Detik B130
15 75 37.5 1.3 Detik B140
16 86 43 1.2 Detik B150
17 98 49 1.0 Detik B170
18 111 55.5 0.9 Detik B190
19 127 63.5 0.8 Detik B210
20 145 72.5 0.7 Detik B230
21 165 82.5 0.5 Detik B250
Statistik Riset
Evolver Level
1 B256 250 2 Jam 2
2 B2,048 400 8 Jam 3
3 B4,096 425 10 Jam 3
4 B8,000 450 12 Jam 4
5 B16,000 475 18 Jam 4
6 B32,000 500 24 Jam 5
7 B48,000 575 30 Jam 5
8 B60,000 650 36 Jam 6
9 B80,000 725 42 Jam 6
10 B100,000 800 48 Jam 7
11 B120,000 825 54 Jam 7
12 B140,000 850 60 Jam 8
13 B160,000 875 66 Jam 8
14 B180,000 900 72 Jam 9
15 B200,000 930 80 Jam 9
16 B220,000 960 88 Jam 10
17 B260,000 1,000 96 Jam 10
18 B300,000 1,125 108 Jam 11
19 B340,000 1,250 120 Jam 11
20 B380.000 1,500 144 Jam 12
21 B420,000 1,750 168 Jam 12
''''' B3,070,400 17,215 1,286 Jam 12

Patch Notes[]

As of Patch v1.025, Worm's Duplication Time scales with their level. This was previously 3 seconds at every level.


  • Worms can save programs and time by capturing weaker nodes and ones of less importance.
  • Placing Worms at the back of the network behind your main attack will give them time to replicate while initial nodes are taken care of.
  • Worms work well with the Kraken.
  • You can remove a program from a node to give Worms space to move forward.
  • Be careful around a Code Gate. Since Worms will always choose to attack when able, a Code Gate directly on a branching path will cause your Worms to stay there until the gate is removed.
Hackers Wikia - Programs
Program Node Permainan
Program Penyerangan

Battering ram Pemukul Dinding  Ion cannon Meriam Laser  Blaster Blaster  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maniak  Shock Pengejut  Shuriken Shuriken  Worms Cacing 

Program Pertahanan

Icewall PGE-Dinding  Protector Pelindung 

Program Sembunyi

Access Akses  Dataleach Lintah Data  Portal Portal  Wraith Roh 
