Hackers Wikia
Hackers Wikia

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Credits are resources used to acquire special items or upgrades to the network. Nodes are not needed to store credits and they can not be stolen by other players during a hack.

How to earn credits[]

  • World Map - Free credits can be found on the world map. These credits appear randomly on any part of the world map in form of credit cards. A maximum of 3 credits will appear on the world map. The player must collect by tapping the cards to earn credits.
  • ERGO Media - A Play icon will appear randomly on the world map. A player needs to tap on this icon and view the video to earn respective credits.
  • In-App Purchases - A player can purchase credits through in-app purchases. The amount of credits that can be bought at any one time varies from 500 to 15,000 credits. The bigger the purchase, the more credits the player receives for the amount of money spent.
  • Daily Challenges - A player will receive a challenge everyday. A player can keep up to three challenges. A player need to complete a challenge in order to accept a new one. A player will be awarded credits when they complete the challenge.

Spending credits[]

Credits can be spent on the following:

  • Building Threads - Additional Building Threads can be purchased in exchange of credits. The first building thread is already there for the player at the very start of the game. The player must then purchase a second building thread to complete the tutorial for 250 credits. After this, the third building thread costs 500 credits, the fourth 1,000 credits, and the fifth 2,000 credits.
  • Program Development / Program Compilation / Node Upgrade Completion - Credits can be spent to instantly finish the Development / Compilation of a Program or a Node Upgrade.
  • Resources - Money and B-Coin storage can be increased to full capacity by spending credits.
  • Black Market Items - With credits you can buy Skins and 9SEC shields on the Black Market.
Hackers Wikia - Gameplay
Gameplay Nodes Programme

Weltkarte • Hacks • Missionen • Sicherheitslog • Simulationen • Ruf 


Startbildschirm • Netzwerkbau • Ressourcen • Schwarzmarkt • Patchnotizen 


Erste Anleitung • Angriffsstrategien • Verteidigungsstrategien • Tipps 
