Hackers Wikia

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This greedy malware speeds up the downloading of money, B-coins and Core databases. May be used even in stealth mode on nodes you have access to.

The Data Leech is a Hybrid Program that can be used in both Stealth and Brute Force Hacks to increase the speed at which resources are taken from Business Nodes. Data Leech can also be installed on a Core to increase the speed at which the Core's information is downloaded.

A node that has a Data Leech installed will show a revolving black/red light around it.

If the player is discovered during a Stealth hack while Data Leech programs are installed, they will be removed from the nodes. Any resources taken are kept, and the Core download will continue from the same point once the Core is captured. If the player successfully downloads the Core and chooses to commence a Brute Force attack, they will still need to capture the Core to fulfill the control win condition. During both types of hacks, installing more Data Leeches on a captured node will further shorten the download time.

When all the resources on a node have been drained, Data Leech will automatically uninstall itself.


  • Notes: While the Data Leech is technically allowed to upgrade at the Evolver levels displayed, the Capacity of B-coins that can be held at those levels may not be sufficient to purchase the upgrade.
    More Info here: Max amount of B-coins at Core Level.
Program Stats
(per second)
1 28 / second 50% B5
2 26 / second 55% B10
3 24 / second 60% B20
4 22 / second 65% B30
5 20 / second 70% B40
6 18 / second 75% B50
7 16 / second 80% B60
8 14 / second 85% B70
9 13 / second 90% B80
10 12 / second 95% B90
11 11 / second 100% B100
12 10 / second 105% B110
13 9 / second 110% B120
14 8 / second 115% B130
15 7 / second 120% B140
16 6 / second 125% B150
17 5 / second 130% B170
18 4 / second 135% B190
19 3 / second 140% B210
20 2 / second 145% B230
21 1 / second 150% B250
Research Stats
Evolver Level
1 B512 200 1 Hour 2
2 B2,048 300 4 Hours 2
3 B4,096 400 8 Hours 3
4 B8,000 450 12 Hours 4
5 B16,000 500 24 Hours 4
6 B32,000 575 30 Hours 5
7 B48,000 650 36 Hours 5
8 B60,000 725 42 Hours 6
9 B80,000 800 48 Hours 6
10 B100,000 825 54 Hours 7
11 B120,000 850 60 Hours 7
12 B140,000 875 66 Hours 8
13 B160,000 900 72 Hours 8
14 B180,000 930 80 Hours 9
15 B200,000 960 88 Hours 9
16 B220,000 1,000 96 Hours 10
17 B260,000 1,080 104 Hours 10
18 B300,000 1,160 112 Hours 11
19 B340,000 1,250 120 Hours 11
20 B380,000 1,375 132 Hours 12
21 B420,000 1,500 144 Hours 12
Total B3,070,656 17,305 1,333 Hours 12


  • A Level 1 Core takes around 30 seconds to download. Using a Data Leech on the Core when the time remaining is between 20 and 30 seconds will result in a full download.
  • In stealth, multiple Data Leeches are not always more efficient (download boost/visibility cost). It is always best to install a single Leech on each node targeted until they are level 7. Scanners also influence the efficiency of Data Leeches, with higher level scanners requiring higher level Leeches before multiple is more efficient than one.
  • A rough, rudimentary formula relating the amount of resources you can steal to amount of data leeches and scanner sensitivity is as follows. Note that this formula only covers the time when the leech is actively boosting the download: do not attempt to include installation time and/or reaction time in it. This is because this formula was made using Quantity = Rate * Time


    • a is base exfiltration rate, in flat value (e.g. 20 B-coins per second would be 20)
    • b is leech boost, in decimal form (e.g. 0.5)
    • c is remaining visibility (e.g. 1000)
    • d is scanner sensitivity, in decimal form (e.g. 5.2)
    • e is data leech visibility cost (e.g. 20)
    • x is amount of leeches (e.g. 1)
Hackers Wikia - Programs List
Programs Nodes Gameplay
Offensive Programs

Battering ram Battering Ram  Ion cannon Beam Cannon  Blaster Blaster  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maniac  Shock Shocker  Shuriken Shuriken  Worms Worms 

Defensive Programs

Icewall ICE Wall  Protector Protector 

Stealth Programs

Access Access  Dataleach Data Leech  Portal Portal  Wraith Wraith 

A.I. Programs

Beetle A.I. Beetle  Hawk A.I. Hawk  Squid A.I. Squid 
