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"A password protected gate is a great tool to slow down an attack. Code Gate massively
reduces damage to its firewall but can be destroyed with a Battering Ram program"

The Code Gate is a defensive Security Node. The Code Gate is designed to protect the network during all stages of an attack and functions in both Brute Force and Stealth hacks. Code Gates have two additional defensive properties: Filter and Code Strength.

The maximum level a Code Gate can be upgraded to is 21[1]. The maximum number of Code Gates you can have on your network is five. Unlike Business Nodes, there are no restrictions on deleting Code Gate nodes from the network.


The Filter reduces the amount of damage Offensive programs do to the Code Gate. Filter also greatly increases the time needed to install an Access program on a Code Gate. For example, if the Filter statistic is 75%, programs like Beam Cannon will do 25% of their normal damage, and it will take four times longer to install Access on a Code Gate. The Filter stays active for as long as the Code Strength is in place. While the Filter is active, Portal cannot be installed on the Code Gate.

Code Strength[]

Code Strength can also be viewed as the 'Filter Firewall'. While the Code Strength is in place, the Filter remains active, providing percentage damage reduction and a longer installation time of Access. The Code Strength can be attacked directly by a Battering Ram, although sufficiently developed offensive programs, like Blaster and Beam Cannon can overcome the Firewall of the Code Gate without touching the Code Strength. If the Firewall of the Code Gate is compromised or if a Battering Ram or Wraith destroys the Code Strength, the Filter is removed for the remainder of the hack.

Effective Firewall[]

The "Effective Firewall" is defined as the amount of damage required to capture the Code Gate while the filter is active. This does not incorporate firewall regeneration, and does not apply when the filter has been disabled by any means.


Defensive Stats
Filter Code
1 300 75% 1,200 1,200
2 330 76% 1,310 1,375
3 365 77% 1,425 1,587
4 400 78% 1,555 1,818
5 440 79% 1,700 2,095
6 485 80% 1,850 2,425
7 530 81% 2,020 2,789
8 585 82% 2,200 3,250
9 645 83% 2,400 3,794
10 710 84% 2,600 4,437
11 780 85% 2,850 5,200
12 855 86% 3,100 6,107
13 940 87% 3,400 7,231
14 1,035 88% 3,700 8,625
15 1,140 89% 4,000 10,364
16 1,255 90% 4,400 12,550
17 1,380 91% 4,800 15,333
18 1,515 92% 5,200 18,938
19 1,670 93% 5,600 23,857
20 1,835 94% 6,150 30,583
21 2,020 95% 6,800 40,400
Construction Stats
Core Level
1 $16,000 150 30 Minutes 4
2 $65,000 200 1 Hour 4
3 $125,000 300 4 Hours 4
4 $250,000 400 8 Hours 5
5 $500,000 450 12 Hours 6
6 $750,000 500 24 Hours 7
7 $1,000,000 650 36 Hours 7
8 $1,500,000 800 48 Hours 7
9 $2,000,000 850 60 Hours 7
10 $2,500,000 900 72 Hours 8
11 $3,000,000 950 92 Hours 8
12 $3,500,000 1,000 96 Hours 9
13 $4,000,000 1,125 108 Hours 9
14 $4,500,000 1,250 120 Hours 9
15 $5,000,000 1,375 132 Hours 10
16 $6,000,000 1,500 144 Hours 10
17 $7,000,000 1,660 160 Hours 10
18 $8,000,000 1,830 176 Hours 11
19 $10,000,000 2,000 192 Hours 11
20 $12,000,000 3,000 240 Hours 11
21 $13,000,000 4,000 288 Hours 12
Totals $84,706,000 24,890 2,013 Hours
30 Minutes


Code Gate 01 Code Gate 02-03 Code Gate 04-05 Code Gate 06-07 Code Gate 08-09
Level 1 Levels 2-3 Levels 4-5 Levels 6-7 Levels 8-9
Code Gate 10-12 Code Gate 13-15 Code Gate 16-18 Code Gate 19-21
Levels 10-12 Levels 13-15 Levels 16-18 Levels 19-21


  • Players who have not yet developed the Battering Ram, Blaster, Kraken or Wraith programs, or who have neglected to sufficiently upgrade their Beam Cannons, will have a tougher time breaking through Code Gates. As such, it is advisable to develop/upgrade at least one of these programs before attacking a network with a Code Gate.
  • When attacking a Code Gate, the Battering Ram program will only target the Code Strength.
  • If the Code Gate has a Sentry's antivirus installed, a node with a low firewall attacking it may need to be defended with an ICE Wall or a Protector to avoid being recaptured.
  • Plan your network so that the node before the Code Gate has a low number of program slots.
  • Wraith disables a node and any special abilities it has, therefore the Filter doesn't apply when using it.
  • Using it as a distraction to let other nodes recapture any hacked nodes is a viable strategy. Knowing attack priorities can help you plan the layout of your network.
  • Keeping the lowest level Gates at the front will prevent Wraiths from taking down your best defenses.
  • Avoid connecting more than one Code Gate to a single node - this will allow an attacker to use fewer Battering Rams or other Programs.


A Code gate is one type of ICEs found in the Netrunner collectible card game.


Hackers Wikia - Nodes
Nodes Programs Permainan
Node Bisnis

B-coin Mine 19-21Tambang B-coin  B-coin Mixer 19-21Mixer B-coin  Structure ConnectionKoneksi Internet 
Core 11-12Inti  Database 19-21Database  Server Farm 19-21Tambang Uang 

Nodes Keamanan

Black ICE 19-21PGE-Hitam  Code Gate 19-21Gerbang Kode  Guardian 21Penjaga 
Scanner 19-21Pemindai  Sentry 19-21Sentri  Turret 19-21Turet 

Nodes Hacking

Compiler 04Penyusun  Evolver 11-12Evolver  Program Library 17-21Pustaka Program 
