Hackers Wikia
Hackers Wikia

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Release the Kraken! Its monstrous tentacles come from netConnections and head straight towards the Core. The more tentacles join together, the stronger the Kraken is.

The Kraken is a Brute Force Offensive Program which attacks nodes using the shortest possible path towards the network's Core. When there are multiple nodes of equal distance from the Core, it will attack nodes according to standard attack priorities.

One Kraken program can be installed on each netConnection in a network. They cannot be installed by the user on any other type of node.

Each Kraken program automatically installs one copy of itself on each node it captures. If the next node along its path already has a Kraken installed, their tentacles merge together and they combine their strength while still occupying only one program slot. The strength of a Kraken program on each installed node is equal to its program strength multiplied by the number of Kraken programs that have converged up to that point. As of v1.030, Kraken overwrites worms on a full node. Kraken will not overwrite any other offensive or defensive programs.

They will continue this pattern until they capture the Core, then they will simultaneously attack all hostile nodes connected to the Core, similar to the Shuriken. As of Patch v1.011, the damage to nodes connected to the Core is equal to the Kraken's base program strength with no multipliers. Attacks from the Core do not install the Kraken onto connected nodes.

If a node with Kraken installed is recaptured, all tentacles which pass through the node will be severed and forcibly removed from all nodes after the break point. This does not directly cause any other captured nodes to be lost, even if all program slots become empty.

In this video you can see an example of a network attacked by a Kraken program.


Statistik Program
(DPS 1-5x)
1 36-180 B60
2 41-205 B120
3 46-230 B180
4 52-260 B240
5 59-295 B300
6 66-330 B360
7 75-375 B420
8 85-430 B480
9 96-485 B540
10 108-540 B600
11 122-610 B660
12 138-690 B720
13 156-780 B780
14 176-880 B840
15 199-995 B900
16 225-1125 B1,020
17 254-1270 B1,140
18 287-1435 B1,260
19 325-1625 B1,380
20 367-1835 B1,500
21 415-2075 B2,000
Statistik Riset
Evolver Level
1 B8,000 475 12 Jam 5
2 B16,000 500 18 Jam 5
3 B32,000 600 24 Jam 6
4 B48,000 700 30 Jam 6
5 B60,000 800 36 Jam 7
6 B80,000 830 42 Jam 7
7 B100,000 860 48 Jam 8
8 B120,000 900 54 Jam 8
9 B140,000 930 60 Jam 9
10 B160,000 960 66 Jam 9
11 B180,000 1,000 72 Jam 9
12 B200,000 1,080 80 Jam 10
13 B220,000 1,160 88 Jam 10
14 B260,000 1,250 96 Jam 10
15 B300,000 1,330 104 Jam 11
16 B340,000 1,410 112 Jam 11
17 B380,000 1,500 120 Jam 11
18 B420,000 1,625 132 Jam 11
19 B440,000 1,750 144 Jam 12
20 B460,000 1,875 168 Jam 12
21 B480,000 2,000 180 Jam 12
Total B4,444,000 23,535 1,686 Jam 12


  • Krakens have limited use against networks that have their Core placed near their netConnections.
  • Similar to Worms, Krakens can attack multiple consecutive nodes using a single program.
  • Krakens only occupy one Program slot on any given node regardless of the number of merged tentacles.
  • Only one Kraken can be installed on each netConnection.
  • Nodes with a Portal installed do not count as a netConnection and cannot have the Kraken installed on them.
  • Kraken can save space in libraries with its duplication and on nodes with its convergence, all while consolidating power, which is particularly useful against Code Gates and other tough nodes en route to the Core.
  • On chokepoints, the Kraken will only attack one of the connected nodes, leaving the chokepoint vulnerable to any other securities. Consider bringing Shockers, ICE Walls or Shurikens along if that poses a problem.
  • It is not always best to use as many Krakens as possible - consider the placement of the core, the nodes and security in between, the level of your Kraken program and what else you could use extra disk space for when deciding how many to compile.
  • [Visual Bug] Rarely, the Kraken will appear to not be severed when one of the nodes along its path is recaptured by the network's defenses.


Hackers Wikia - Programs
Program Node Permainan
Program Penyerangan

Battering ram Pemukul Dinding  Ion cannon Meriam Laser  Blaster Blaster  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maniak  Shock Pengejut  Shuriken Shuriken  Worms Cacing 

Program Pertahanan

Icewall PGE-Dinding  Protector Pelindung 

Program Sembunyi

Access Akses  Dataleach Lintah Data  Portal Portal  Wraith Roh 
