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This self-destructive kamikaze program deals massive damage to a targeted firewall. It's usually enough to conquer a node in one blow.

The Maniac is a Brute Force Offensive Program which attacks a single node based on attack priorities. After it damages the target, it will uninstall itself from the current node.


  • Notes: While the Maniac is technically allowed to upgrade at the Evolver levels displayed, the Capacity of B-coins that can be held at those levels may not be sufficient to purchase the upgrade.
    More Info here: Max amount of B-coins at Core Level.
Program Stats
Poziom Obrażenia
(na uderzenie)
1 850 B200
2 920 B300
3 990 B400
4 1,070 B500
5 1,160 B600
6 1,250 B700
7 1,350 B800
8 1,460 B1,000
9 1,570 B1,200
10 1,700 B1,400
11 1,840 B1,600
12 1,990 B1,800
13 2,140 B2,000
14 2,310 B2,200
15 2,500 B2,500
16 2,700 B2,800
17 2,910 B3,000
18 3,150 B3,500
19 3,400 B4,000
20 3,670 B4,500
21 3,970 B5,000
Research Stats
Poziom Koszt
poziom Ewolucjonera
1 B64,000 500 24 Hours 7
2 B120,000 600 30 Hours 8
3 B140,000 650 36 Hours 8
4 B160,000 700 42 Hours 9
5 B180,000 800 48 Hours 9
6 B200,000 830 56 Hours 9
7 B220,000 860 64 Hours 10
8 B240,000 900 72 Hours 10
9 B260,000 930 80 Hours 10
10 B280,000 960 88 Hours 10
11 B300,000 1,000 96 Hours 11
12 B320,000 1,080 104 Hours 11
13 B340,000 1,160 112 Hours 11
14 B360,000 1,250 120 Hours 11
15 B380,000 1,330 128 Hours 12
16 B400,000 1,410 136 Hours 12
17 B420,000 1,500 144 Hours 12
18 B440,000 1,625 156 Hours 12
19 B460,000 1,750 168 Hours 12
20 B480,000 1,875 180 Hours 12
21 B500,000 2,000 192 Hours 12
Total B6,264,000 23,710 2,076 Hours 12

Patch Notes[]

As of Patch v1.025, Maniac disk space has been reduced from 20 to 15.


  • Maniac can capture nodes very quickly, which is useful to break through chokepoints or high firewall nodes protected by Guardians while the shields are down.
  • It is very important to know attacking priorities and be able to identify the levels of nodes when using Maniac, because it may not target the preferred node.
  • Maniacs are usually not essential to a hack. It is best to consider else what could be done with the 15 disk space before compiling one for a hack.
  • Videos of Maniac in action: Maniac Training - Maniac Overkill - Maniac Attack
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