Hackers Wikia

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Nodes are the building blocks of every network. Linking them into a specific structure allows each node's unique function to support and improve the network as a whole. There are four types of nodes, each of which are necessary for the success of a network.



B-coin Mine 19-21 B-coin Mixer 19-21 Core 13 Database 19-21 Server Farm 19-21
B-coin Mine B-coin Mixer Core Database Server Farm

Business nodes support the rest of the system by providing and storing resources, and allowing expansion and connections to other networks.


Black ICE 19-21 Code Gate 19-21 Guardian 21 Sentry 19-21 Scanner 19-21 Turret 19-21
Black ICE Code Gate Guardian Sentry Scanner Turret

Security nodes prevent intruders from stealing resources and lowering reputation.

  • Sentries are the fundamental security, spreading antivirus throughout the network as soon as an intruder is detected.
  • Turrets provide extra power to defend directly connected nodes.
  • Black ICEs have even higher strength, but take time to charge and fire.
  • Code Gates are password protected gates which significantly reduce damage and the installation time of Access programs while the filter is active.
  • Scanners increase the visibility of stealth programs on nodes within 3 links.
  • Guardians provide shields to connected nodes for added defense.


Compiler 04 Evolver 11-12 Program Library 17-21
Compiler Evolver Program Library

Hacking nodes provide all the tools necessary to infiltrate other networks and acquire resources and reputation.

Artificial Intelligence[]

Beetle ImageServing Hawk ImageServing Squid ImageServing
AI Beetle AI Hawk AI Squid
  • The AI Beetle protects against intrusions by repairing the firewall of nearby damaged nodes.
  • The AI Hawk attacks nearby nodes that have been breached by an attacker.
  • The AI Squid performs focussed scans for stealth programs on nearby nodes.


Each node has a specific number of connection slots available, which allow it to be linked to other nodes. Each link takes up one slot on each of the linked nodes.

Each node has a specific number of program slots, which allow programs to be installed on it during a hack. Each program takes up one slot on a node.

Each node has a certain amount of firewall depending on the node level, which must be depleted by offensive programs installed on connecting nodes before it can be captured during a hack. Each node also has a certain amount of firewall regeneration, listed as percent per second.

Business Nodes
Node Connection
B-coin Mine 3 3 2% per second
B-coin Mixer 4 3 2% per second
netConnection 1 3 -
Core 5 5 1% per second
Database 4 3 2% per second
Server Farm 3 3 2% per second
Security Nodes
Node Connection
Black ICE 4 5 1% per second
Code Gate 3 3 2% per second
Guardian 5 4 1% per second
Scanner 4 3 1% per second
Sentry 4 4 1% per second
Turret 4 4 1% per second
Hacking Nodes
Node Connection
Compiler 3 3 2% per second
Evolver 3 3 3% per second
Program Library 3 3 2% per second
A.I. Nodes
Node Connection
AI Beetle 4 4 1% per second
AI Hawk 3 4 1% per second
AI Squid 5 4 1% per second


  • netConnections do not have any firewall and cannot be reclaimed by the network during a hack
Hackers Wikia - Nodes List
Nodes Programs Gameplay
Business Nodes

B-coin Mine 19-21B-coin Mine  B-coin Mixer 19-21B-coin Mixer  Structure ConnectionnetConnection  Core 11-12Core  Database 19-21Database  Server Farm 19-21Server Farm 

Security Nodes

Black ICE 19-21Black ICE  Code Gate 19-21Code Gate  Guardian 21Guardian  Scanner 19-21Scanner  Sentry 19-21Sentry  Turret 19-21Turret 

Hacking Nodes

Compiler 04Compiler  Evolver 11-12Evolver  Program Library 17-21Program Library 

A.I. Nodes

Beetle ImageServing A.I. Beetle  Hawk ImageServing A.I. Hawk  Squid ImageServing A.I. Squid 
