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Black ICE 19-21 Code Gate 19-21 Guardian 21 Sentry 19-21 Scanner 19-21 Turret 19-21
Black ICE Code Gate Guardian Sentry Scanner Turret


Security nodes are used to provide protection for your network, defending your Business Nodes and Core. Some basic nodes are available at the beginning of the game, with upgraded and more advanced nodes being available for purchase with resources as you progress and increase the level of your Core.

All the nodes correspond to different given I.C.E. archetypes and protect using different mechanisms:

  • Sentry: Deploys antivirus to all nodes, granting any node the ability to defend against intrusions.
  • Turret: Basic attack node. Attacks with a continuous stream on a compromised node.
  • Black ICE: Advanced attack node. Attacks with slow but strong blasts to a compromised node.
  • Code Gate: Basic defense node. Acts as a wall to attacking programs.
  • Scanner: Advanced defense node. Alerts network of stealth attacks.
  • Guardian: Advanced defense node. Strengthens the firewalls of connected nodes.
Hackers Wikia - Noduri
Pagina Inițială
Noduri Programe Cum să joci
Nodurile de Afaceri

B-coin Mine 19-21Mină de B-coins  B-coin Mixer 19-21Mixer de B-coins  Structure ConnectionPort 
Core 11-12Nucleu  Database 19-21Bază de Date  Server Farm 19-21Server Farm 

Noduri de Securitate

Black ICE 19-21Gheață Neagră  Code Gate 19-21Poartă de Coduri  Guardian 21Gardian 
Scanner 19-21Scanner  Sentry 19-21Sentinelă  Turret 19-21Turetă 

Noduri de Hacking

Compiler 04Compilator  Evolver 11-12Evoluator  Program Library 17-21Bibliotecă de Programe 
