Hackers Wikia

  Български - Програмна библиотека  简体中文 - 病毒库  正體中文 - 程式庫  Čeština - Knihovna programů  English - Program Library  Français - Bibliothèque de Programmes  Deutsch - Programmbibliothek  Bahasa Indonesia - Pustaka Program(Bahasa Indonesia)  Italiano - Libreria di Programmi  日本語 - プログラムライブラリ  Bahasa Malayu - Pustaka Program  Polski - Biblioteka Programów  Português - Bibliotéca de Programas  Română - Bibliotecă de Programe  Русский - Программная Библиотека  Español - Librería de Programas  Türk - Program Kitaplığı  Tiếng Việt - Thư Viện Phần Mền


"All your complex programs are stored in Libraries. Upgrade the Library to increase its capacity."

The Program Library is a Hacking Node where compiled programs are stored. Upgrading a Program Library will increase the amount of disk space. A Program Library node that is being upgraded does not decrease the number of programs that can be stored.

The programs stored in this node are not considered resources. If this Node is captured via hacking, the stored programs will not be stolen. The contents of the Program Library can be accessed by pressing the virus button in the game interface. From there, installed programs can be erased to make room for new programs.

The maximum level a Program Library can be upgraded to is 21[1]. The maximum number of Program Libraries you can have on your network is three. When deleting nodes, you will be unable to delete a Program Library unless you have two or more on your network already.

The icon of the node in the network represents the number of installed programs in it. As of Patch v.1.012, visuals of the Program Library display more accurately, and can now be filled to the top.


Defensive Stats
1 200
2 220
3 240
4 265
5 295
6 320
7 355
8 390
9 430
10 470
11 520
12 570
13 625
14 690
15 760
16 835
17 920
18 1,010
19 1,110
20 1,225
21 1,345
Network Capacity
1 20
2 25
3 30
4 35
5 40
6 45
7 50
8 55
9 60
10 65
11 70
12 75
13 80
14 85
15 90
16 95
17 100
18 105
19 110
20 115
21 120
Construction Stats
Core Level
1 B150 125 15 Minutes 1
2 B180 150 30 Minutes 2
3 B500 200 1 Hour 3
4 B2,000 300 4 Hours 4
5 B4,000 375 6 Hours 5
6 B8,000 450 12 Hours 6
7 B30,000 500 24 Hours 7
8 B45,000 600 32 Hours 7
9 B60,000 700 40 Hours 8
10 B80,000 800 48 Hours 8
11 B100,000 830 56 Hours 9
12 B120,000 860 64 Hours 9
13 B150,000 900 72 Hours 9
14 B200,000 950 92 Hours 10
15 B240,000 1,000 96 Hours 10
16 B300,000 1,125 108 Hours 10
17 B360,000 1,250 120 Hours 11
18 B420,000 1,500 144 Hours 11
19 B450,000 1,625 156 Hours 11
20 B480,000 2,000 192 Hours 12
21 B500,000 2,500 216 Hours 12
Total B3,549,830 18,740 1,483 Hours
45 Minutes


Program Library 01 Program Library 02-04 Program Library 05-07
Level 1 Levels 2-4 Levels 5-7
Program Library 08-11 Program Library 12-16 Program Library 17-21
Levels 8-11 Levels 12-16 Levels 17-21


  • Building extra Program Libraries will significantly boost the number of programs you can store and is usually worth building as soon as possible.
  • Each upgrade always increases disk space by 5, so it is best to upgrade the lowest level Libraries first.


Hackers Wikia - Nodes List
Nodes Programs Gameplay
Business Nodes

B-coin Mine 19-21B-coin Mine  B-coin Mixer 19-21B-coin Mixer  Structure ConnectionnetConnection  Core 11-12Core  Database 19-21Database  Server Farm 19-21Server Farm 

Security Nodes

Black ICE 19-21Black ICE  Code Gate 19-21Code Gate  Guardian 21Guardian  Scanner 19-21Scanner  Sentry 19-21Sentry  Turret 19-21Turret 

Hacking Nodes

Compiler 04Compiler  Evolver 11-12Evolver  Program Library 17-21Program Library 

A.I. Nodes

Beetle ImageServing A.I. Beetle  Hawk ImageServing A.I. Hawk  Squid ImageServing A.I. Squid 
