Hackers Wikia
Hackers Wikia

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Battering ram Ion cannon Blaster Kraken
Battering Ram Beam Cannon Blaster Kraken
Maniac Shuriken Shock Worms
Maniac Shuriken Shocker Worms


Offensive programs are the standard method of hacking a network. Using attacks such as Beam Cannon, Worms, and even a mighty Kraken, a player can overwhelm any Security Nodes placed on a network by force. This method of attack is is referred to as using "Brute Force" and differs significantly from the more subtle Stealth attacks.

Attack Priorities[]

Different programs have different methods of attack, with some programs also having additional special abilities. When an offensive program has a choice of which node to attack, most programs select a target using the following criteria.

Priority list: (Updated for Patch v1.025 - see Patch Notes)

  1. Active Security Nodes - (Sentry, Turret, Black ICE). Other Security Nodes (Guardian, Scanner, and Code Gate) are considered regular nodes in this regard.
  2. The Core.
  3. Black Nodes - Nodes with an installed antivirus.
  4. Partially Black Nodes - Nodes where an antivirus is currently being loaded.
  5. White Nodes and Upgrading Nodes - Nodes which are upgrading and Nodes where an antivirus is not present.
  6. Nodes under the Wraith effect.

Attacking Methods[]

The Wiki lists Programs as having an "Attack Style" and a "Targetting Style":

  • Attacks from a Projectile type program take a small amount of time to reach the target. The Projectile Speed and frequency of projectiles is also listed.
  • Attacks from a Beam type program reach the target instantly. As of Patch v1.011, Programs incur a small delay when acquiring a new target, which is listed as Targeting Delay.
  • Focused programs such as the Beam Cannon do not change target once they start attacking a node.
  • Dynamic programs such as Blasters and Worms will change target if a higher priority node is targetable.
  • AoE programs such as Shuriken activate when any connected node becomes targetable.


The Brute-Force attack was most likely named after the real Brute-Force attack, were decoders trying many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly.

Hackers Wikia - Programs
Program Node Permainan
Program Penyerangan

Battering ram Pemukul Dinding  Ion cannon Meriam Laser  Blaster Blaster  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maniak  Shock Pengejut  Shuriken Shuriken  Worms Cacing 

Program Pertahanan

Icewall PGE-Dinding  Protector Pelindung 

Program Sembunyi

Access Akses  Dataleach Lintah Data  Portal Portal  Wraith Roh 
