Hackers Wikia

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In the world of Hackers players are measured by their Reputation. Reputation rises with successful Hacks and network defenses and is lost when players fail to fulfil a win condition when hacking another player or have their network successfully hacked. Reputation is not affected by Simulations.

New targets searched on the World Map are chosen to have similar Reputation as the player. Player level is also taken into account. Reputation also dictates a player's position on the leaderboard rankings.

Potential Reputation changes for succeeding and failing a hack depends on the difference in Reputation between the hacker and their target. Attacking players with a high Reputation will yield larger gains and smaller losses. Likewise, attacking players with a much lower Reputation will give small gains and potentially large losses. Attacking a player with a similar Reputation will yield gains and losses of similar amounts.

Gaining and Losing Reputation[]

The player can gain Reputation by fulfilling any of the following three goals during a hack:

a.) Take over the network - This is achieved when all nodes in the network have turned red. The nodes will turn red when a player installs offensive programs to try and take over connected nodes. Players may also install defensive programs to retain a captured node.

b.) Download the Core's database - This is achieved when a the progress bar of a captured Core reaches zero. A black progress bar will appear when a Core has been captured and will reduce while in this state. The progress bar will reset if it is recaptured by the network. The Core does not need to remain captured after the database has been downloaded to meet this goal.

c.) Steal all Business nodes resources - This is achieved when the progress bar of all Business Nodes (except netConnection) reaches zero. The progress bar is Gold for Server Farms and Databases and Red for B-coin Mines and B-coin Mixers.

The total number of Reputation points obtained will depend on what conditions are met and the difference between the attacker and the defender's Reputation). Players receive one-third of the Reputation points available for each win condition they complete. Reputation points can only be earned when hacking player-made Networks and not through simulations or computer generated Missions.

As of Patch v1.020, players have a ranking based on the number of reputation points they have. Exceeding the thresholds detailed below will display your new rank/logo, along with the message "You are in the top xx% of ranked hackers!" Each rank bestows additional resources when fulfilling win conditions.

Once a player attains a rank, they are allowed to lose a small amount of reputation while keeping their current rank, as shown below. However, if a player doesn't have a successful hack for seven days, they are demoted back to the Noob rank. After a single successful hack, the player will be ranked again according to their current reputation.

Rank Appearance Title Reputation
Rank down when
Reputation reaches
Extra $ per
win condition
Extra B-coin per
win condition
1 Rank 01 black Noob - - 0 0
2 Rank 02 black Rookie 500 400 500 20
3 Rank 03 black Talent 750 650 800 30
4 Rank 04 black Skilled 1,000 900 1,750 60
5 Rank 05 black Experienced 1,250 1,150 3,500 120
6 Rank 06 black Advanced 1,500 1,400 6,500 220
7 Rank 07 black Senior 1,750 1,650 9,500 330
8 Rank 08 black Expert 2,000 1,900 12,000 400
9 Rank 09 black Veteran 2,250 2,150 27,000 900
10 Rank 10 black Master 2,500 2,400 55,000 2,000
11 Rank 11 black Elite 3,000 2,750 120,000 4,000

Also as of Patch v1.020:

  • The minimum amount of Reputation that can be gained from a successful hack has been increased to 1 point per Win Condition.
  • The most Reputation you can gain from a single attack is 32 points, and the most Reputation you can lose for failing an attack is 16 points.
  • The most Reputation you can gain from a single defense is 16 points, and the most Reputation you can lose from a failed defense is 32 points.
Hackers Wikia - Gameplay Topics
Pagina Iniziale
Gameplay Nodi Programmi

Mappa del Mondo • Hacks • Missioni • Log di Sicurezza • Simulazioni • Reputazione 


Schermo di Casa • Costruzioni della Rete • Risorse •
Mercato Nero • Note dell'aggiornamento 


Guida Iniziale • Strategie D'attacco • Strategie Difensive • Dritte 
