Hackers Wikia
Hackers Wikia

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9Sec company provides a full external security service that you can use for protection of your network.

  • While the protection is active players wont be able to connect to your Network from the World Map, but you will be unable to initiate hacks yourself.
  • When the shield is active and you try to attack someone, the game will ask you if you want the shield removed.
  • Each type of shield has its own cooldown and you can not activate any new 9sec protection until the cooldown finishes.
  • Cooldowns start counting at the moment of shield activation.
Shield Type Protection Cost Cooldown
Black 1 day 100 C 4 days
Silver 2 days 150 C 7 days
Gold 7 days 250 C 20 days
Hackers Wikia - Gameplay
Gameplay Nodes Programme

Weltkarte • Hacks • Missionen • Sicherheitslog • Simulationen • Ruf 


Startbildschirm • Netzwerkbau • Ressourcen • Schwarzmarkt • Patchnotizen 


Erste Anleitung • Angriffsstrategien • Verteidigungsstrategien • Tipps 
