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"Standard Programm für jeden Hacker. Die Strahlenkanone attackiert die Stärkste Firewall in seiner direkten Umgebung."

Die Strahlenkanone ist ein Brute Force Offensive Program welches ununterbrochen verbundene Nodes angreift. Es greift immer nur ein Node an welches anhand der Angriffs Priorität bestimmt wird. Das Ziel wird nach der Übernahme des Nodes geändert.


  • Notes: While the Beam Cannon is technically allowed to upgrade at the Evolver levels displayed, the Capacity of B-coins that can be held at those levels may not be sufficient to purchase the upgrade.
    More Info here: Max amount of B-coins at Core Level.
Program Stats
Level Stärke
1 15 B1
2 17 B2
3 19 B4
4 22 B6
5 25 B8
6 28 B10
7 31 B12
8 36 B14
9 40 B16
10 45 B18
11 51 B20
12 58 B22
13 65 B24
14 74 B26
15 83 B28
16 94 B30
17 106 B34
18 121 B38
19 135 B42
20 153 B46
21 173 B50
Research Stats
1 B0 0 0 Minuten 1
2 B1,024 250 2 Stunden 1
3 B2,048 300 4 Stunden 2
4 B4,096 375 6 Stunden 3
5 B8,000 400 8 Stunden 4
6 B16,000 425 10 Stunden 4
7 B24,000 450 12 Stunden 5
8 B32,000 475 18 Stunden 5
9 B40,000 500 24 Stunden 6
10 B50,000 575 30 Stunden 6
11 B60,000 650 36 Stunden 7
12 B80,000 725 42 Stunden 7
13 B100,000 800 48 Stunden 8
14 B120,000 825 54 Stunden 8
15 B140,000 850 60 Stunden 9
16 B160,000 875 66 Stunden 9
17 B180,000 900 72 Stunden 10
18 B200,000 930 80 Stunden 10
19 B220,000 960 88 Stunden 11
20 B240,000 1,000 96 Stunden 11
21 B300,000 1,125 108 Stunden 12
Gesamt B1,977,168 13,390 864 Stunden 12

Balance Updates[]

  • On 11th October 2016, Beam Cannon upgrade costs were balanced for levels 1-8.
  • On 20th December 2016, Beam Cannons had their strength reduced slightly at higher levels, and have a 0.5 second delay when switching targets.



  • Beam Cannon installed at the right time can focus on a more desirable node of lower priority even after other higher priority targets become available.


  • According to Trickster Arts, '4 out of 5 noobs recommend Beam Cannon'.
Hackers Wikia - Programme-List
Programme Nodes Gameplay
Offensive Programme

Battering ram Rammbock  Ion cannon Strahlenkanone  Blaster Blaster  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Wahnsinniger  Shock Schocker  Shuriken Shuriken  Worms Würmer 

Defensive Programme

Icewall EIS Mauer  Protector Protektor 

Stealth Programme

Access Zugriff  Dataleach Datenleck  Portal Portal  Wraith Geist 
